UPFRONT CASHFLOW is made available throughinstant payment without waiting days or weeks for deposits! This instantcashflow allows for funding product purchases, production, and labor costsassociated with the order
Consolidated catering home viewthat displays all upcoming catering orders and details built directly into thePOS platform to consolidate all interactions with customers easily
24/7 storefront access forcustomers to order online
No more filling out a contact formor calling a phone number to submit a catering order
Neatly view and prepare for allincoming orders conveniently throttled based on capacity and availabilitysettings
Custom preparation type (hot/cold)and fulfillment methods (Delivery/Pickup)
Works natively with loyalty andgift cards, embedded directly within the POS platform
“Not all POS platforms are createdequal” - this is just a thought bubble perse… was thinking about the feedbackon a couple emails where they say “all POS is the same, just differentpricing..” and how to combat that…
Customized modifiers andpreparation settings curated specifically for catering orders
Pay and navigate in and out ofcatering orders, online orders, in-house, etc.
Universal control over itemavailability in real time, working in unison with inventory management control
Establish and control item Leadtimes for specialty items or ones that require advanced prep notice, embeddeddirectly into the ordering experience.
Unit pricing detail displayed foreasy pricing itemization and costing